Many of us kiss our pets without reserve. And they reciprocate. But how healthy is it for us when we are the recipient of a wet, on-the-lips doggy kiss? The experts at WebMD say it’s not all that risky to our health, with a few exceptions. Clark Fobian, DVM, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association […]
Continue readingIf you’ve been a pet parent for any length of time you may have considered, or at least been tempted to consider, whether or not to add a little bling to Fido or Fiona. By bling I mean anything from a little sparkle or spike on their collar to an all-out canine apparel makeover. Surely […]
Continue readingHalloween celebrations in the Bay State (including Boston, Worcester Springfield, and Lowell) are plentiful and pooches often go on parade alongside their pet parents in style. But the veterinary experts at Pet Health Network offer these five safety tips to keep in mind: 1. Dogs may not fare well Halloween festivities! The noise and excitement […]
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