The importance of daily exercise to your dog’s health can’t be overstated. Taking your pooch for a walk is an important ritual for bonding as well as for his or her fitness routine. And the exercise is most likely an added benefit for you, too.
Experts share some tips about establishing the best time of day for this so-important routine. There are a number of factors to consider to determine the best time of day to walk your dog, according to an online article titled The Best Time of Day to Walk Your Dog by Jessica Bush for The Dog Daily at
The weather (avoid the hottest time of the day), your age, the age of your pup, your neighborhood, your work schedule, etc., should all be considered. But hands down the best time for a quality dog walk is when you have ample time for it. Urban and suburban neighborhoods in Boston, Worchester, Springfield and Lowell offer dog parks and other alternatives to concrete. Consult your local veterinarian or Off
Leash K9 Training professional for his or her recommendations.
“Dog walks should be relaxing. Everyone knows a dog can instantly detect tension. Your time spent outdoors with your pet on-leash should be no exception. Setting aside a minimum of 20 minutes a few times a week could do wonders for almost anyone,” writes Bush.
If your schedule seems too full to make this sort of commitment it’s time to re-evaluate your priorities. Your dog deserves your time!
If walking your dog is stressful because he or she is not good on-leash, consider obedience training. In fact, many canine behavioral issues such as problems with potty training and dog-aggression can be alleviated and completely reversed with proper obedience training.
Always be sure to get a clean bill of health from your dog’s veterinarian before establishing any exercise routine with your pooch.
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